Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Nathan's Birth

The night before going to the hospital to have our third child, my family came. It was very special because my sister, Deborah, is also having a baby. She is due the day after Christmas.

The boys were very excited about "their baby." Zachary had prayed for a new brother or sister. Lukah was requesting a brother and Zachary wanted a sister (He was also hoping for twins!). So we went to the hospital not knowing who would get what they wanted.

It's a boy! We went to the hospital for the planned C-section on Nov. 4th, election day! Christophe and Deborah got to come into the operating room with me. We named our new little boy NATHAN HENRY NUSSBAUMER. He was 7 pounds 7 ounces and so sweet. He got to stay in the operating room with me. Our lives are certainly going to be busy with three boys!

The proud papa looks at his new son and then brings him to me. He looks beautiful!

Later in recovery we get a chance to get a better look at him. Amazingly, at this stage, he looks exactly like his older brother Zachary!

The rest of the family is anxious to see the newest addition to the family. The boys were really excited to see their new brother, although, they were concerned about mommie's ouchie. Lukah in particular had a difficult time understanding why everybody had to stay at the hospital. He was well taken care of by Grandma, Grandpa and Tata Debbie at our house but told them "I miss my family." They also really enjoyed spending time with their cousin Alyssa, Deborah's first child. Since Deborah is expecting another girl, it seems as though she will have all of the girls and I will have all of the boys!

Nathan had jaundice in the hospital and had to have light therapy. He seemed to enjoy the warmth of the lights. We joked that he looked like he was getting his first Hollywood tan.

Home at last! We took Nathan home after 4 days in the hospital. Zachary and Lukah were so excited to welcome him home. They took turns holding him.

Zachary in particular has been a "natural" at being a big brother. He talks and sings to the baby and he has been very helpful by going to get clean diapers and even helping take Lukah to the bathroom when I am breastfeeding.

Our little guys first bath at home. He really seems to enjoy bathtime, which is good because he is our first baby that spits up! Zachary always lets us know when Nathan needs another bath.

All three boys are really enjoying getting to know each other. It is our hope that they will always be close to each other and take care of each other throughout their lives.

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